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Eddy Petit
Devout activist

? - 1969

Born in Cap-Haïtien -He was a devout activist who truly believed in a positive change for Haïti. He had gone to Europe to complete his education during the years 1964-1965, came back to Haiti and infiltrated the masses . Captured in 1968, he spent time in Petit-Rivière-de-L'Artibonite's prison. He was brought to Port-au-Prince where he spent nine months in the Penitentiary National. He was executed by firing squad in June 19, 1969.....


Past Honorees (Archives)

Paul Laraque
Raymond Cassagnol
Kenol Orilis
Clement Jumelle
Hernst Renoit
Mme Pierre Estiverne
Ulrick Jolly
Cpt. Chenon Michel
Col. Henri Clermon
Col. Kesner Blain
Lucette Ambroise
Hector Riobé
Franck Simon
Frank Seraphin
Wilhem Turnier
Guy Lucchessi
Claude Rosier
• Jean f Magloire
• Francois Fleurantin
Lucien Daumec

• Gladys Jean-François

Fordi9 wishes to thank Jean Edouard Stam  for providing the initial webpage of this site; William McIntosh and Guy Constant for bringing this webpage to different levels of  evolution; the con-tributors of information inserted in different pages of the site; the news papers and other printing sources, as well as photographs collected over the  years; and the volunteer members of the Fordi9.com staff.
Collaborating Sites
A page of History

July 29, 1958.
François Duvalier was elected in September 1957 and was in power less than a year when the romance between the newly elected President and the people ended, causing the political opposition to gain much ground.
The economy in Haiti was not strong and was recuperating from the trouble years (1956 -1957) which saw officially four governments and a military junta. Historical facts point to another military junta on or about May 25, 1957, which never came to power. (Note 2). After the instability of 1957, the Duvalier government was at first welcomed but soon the political climate started to deteriorate again.A group of former Haitian military officers headed by Lieutenant Alix Pasquet gathered in Miami . On or about July 25, 1957, the group set sails on board a yacht called “Molly C” heading toward Haiti. On board were former Lieutenants Alix “Sonson” Pasquet, Henri “Riquet” Perpignan and Phillipe “Fito” Dominique, the brother in law of Pasquet. Accompanying them were five American soldiers of fortune whose names were: Arthur Payne, the leader, Dany Jones, Levant Kersten, Robert F. Hickey and Joe D. Walker the boat captain. (read full summary)

The Prison.- Many generations of Haitians perished in this fort, without an indictment or a trial, to physical and psychological torture, arbitrary execution, disease, and inhumane treatment

The Book. - Fort Dimanche , Dungeon of Death of Patrick Lemoine will take you through the deepest valleys of this fort where you will discover the drama expe-rienced by the political prisoners during Baby Doc Duvalier's era...
(Book reviews)

The Chronicle: A Virtual Tribute A sequel to the book Fort-Dimanche, Dungeon of Death, this chronicle is a work in progress that endeavors to compile information on all known victims of the years 1957-1986.

Fort-Dimanche, Fort-La-Mort
Read More

We remain confident that giving more exposure to the infernal condition of the po-litical prison of the Duvaliers will generate greater awareness and will shed light on this regime that some individuals conveniently represent as the least evil of evil governments, even though Haiti's nightmare began with Duvalier. To echo Madeleine Paillère in a "compte rendu de lecture" of the book, Fort-Dimanche, Fort-La-Mort is a testimonial that must be preserved preciously for future generations.

Page of History (Archives)
Coming Soon
• Events of April 26, 1963
The Barbot Affair
Special Thanks to....

•To Huguette Jean-Francois
For sending a photo of her sister Gladys and the information surrounding her dissapearance

To Eric and Jacques Dougé
For sharing the photos of their father Lt. Pierre E. Dougé and uncle Rossini Dougé. Both photos were inserted in the "Recent Addition" section. Pierre and Rossini were arrested on April 26, 1963 and were never to be seen or heard again by their family, children and loved ones. The testimonial that accompanied the photos will be posted in the corresponding gallery with the updating of the site .

Lyonel Daumec
For sharing with us Lucien, Datho and Frantz Daumec's photos and the summary that he prepared in their memories.

Jacques Magloire

One of the 31 prisoners released in 1973 by the commando that kidnapped Mr. Clinton Knox the US Ambassador in Haiti. (read more) Jacques also suffered the loss of two of his family members, Joseph Paul-Emile Magloire and Francois Fleurantin, and he shared with us their photos and a text that he prepared in their memories. Fordi9 welcome his contribution and the information received will be posted in the coming days.

Mes félicitations à toute l'équipe de Fordi9 !
Le devoir de mémoire nous impose de garder allumée la flamme de ces vies éteintes trop prématurément dans la longue nuit de la dictature Duvalérienne. Nous ne pouvons pas nous permettre d’oublier, surtout dans ces moments pénibles de la vie nationale qui semblent indiquer que l’aube d’un nouveau jour est encore éloignée…(GEHD, 7 juillet 2003).

The duty of memory forces to us to keep lit the flame of these lives which were extinct prematurely in the long night of the Duvalerian dictatorship. We cannot afford to forget. Particularly, in these painful moments of the national life which seem to indicate to us that the dawn of a new day is still far distant (GEHD, July 7,2003).

• Mrs. Ella Perpignand Price
Mrs. Ella Perpignand Price, a victim herself of the Duvaliers. Her father, Lt. Henri Perpignand, was killed in the first military invasion that took place at an early stage of the regime to liberate the country from Francois Duvalier who had already shown his true color. We are renewing our gratitude to Ella for her important contribution to the site.

• Nathalie Brisson Lamaute
a victim herself of the Duvaliers. Her father Alix Lamaute and her uncle Gerald Brisson perished under the regime of Papa Doc. She also suffered the loss of a cousin, Richard Brisson in January 1982. Fordi9 will publish in the coming weeks the documentation received from Nathalie regarding her family members and a bio of Lionel Loubeau who perished in Fort-Dimanche... We a pologize for having mispelled the name of her father in gallery 8. The correction was made with the correct spelling Lamaute instead of Lamothe. Thanks again Nathalie.

• Suzy Magloire-Sicard
for sending information on Thérèse Lindor Charles killed at Fort-Dimanc
he in the sixties and reminding us of Michel Obas, one of the 19 officers excecuted in Fort-Dimanche in 1967.

• Michele Brathwaite
for sharing with us that her great uncle Jean Chenet was killed on his property while filling up the gas tank of some Tonton Macoutes. Jean was born in 1918 and killed either on April 1 or April 26,
1963. Jean was a jeweler by trade and live for some time in Mexico. She does not have any pictures of him, but we hope that one of the visitors of this site will forward one to us.

• S. Sicard
for adding to the victims' list the names of Jacques Fabian du Cap-Haïtien et Edme St-Jean de Plaisance.

• Melissa M Poux
for her kind words and sharing with us the following:
I am glad to see this website and what you have done with it. But I just wanted to address a minor issue with the spelling of one name. My great uncle was Guy Lomin"Y", brother to Frantz Lominy who were both killed by the Duvalier regime. My grandfather was killed, in the year 1961 we like to believe, when my mother was three years old. My grandfather was indeed killed due to the fact that he did not want to give up the whereabouts of his brother Guy. In fact, No one knew were Guy was, he kept his location secret due to the fact that e knew the administration was after him. Guy was the organizer of grassroots movement to motivate the citizens of Haiti to over throw the Duvalier administration. He would sit up at all times of the night printing and drawing up flyers that bashed Duvalier and his regime. It is nice to know that your website reminds of us that our family members did not die in vain!

Special Thanks to...

Mrs. Chantal Hyppolite
for the photo of her father Chenon Michel that we added to our page.

• Dr. Gérard Alphonse-Férère
for his contribution to fordi9.com. Himself a victim of the Duvaliers, Dr. Férère was incarcerated five times. First he was thrown in Fort-Dimanche in 1958 for one month. In July of the same year after the Pasquet - Dominique - Perpignand invasion, he spent another month of incarceration at the Haitian Army Head-quarters and the Military Hospital. In 1962 he spent another three days in Fort-Dimanche. (Read more...)

• Ms. Mélissa Marchand
a recent graduate of University of California at Irvine. While browsing the site fordi9.com, Mélissa Marchand spotted the names of her Great-Grandfather and Grand father, Lucien and George Marchand, in the list of victims, which prompted her to contact us and later forward biographical details on these victims, which
we gladly added to our page.

• Mrs. Ann Fuller & Louis Estiverne
for sharing with us the photos of
and the summary on Grand-Bois taken from their research in progress (December 2001).
Up coming event(s)...
Captez Perspective Haïtienne 91.5 FM- Mardi 6 Novembre, 2007 à 20h30- Interview de Charles Marc Mathelier avec Patrick Lemoine, auteur de Fort-Dimanche, Fort-La-Mort

Fourth Edition
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PO Box 671,
Uniondale. NY 11553

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